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Chas Academy

project 31/33
About the project

Chas Academy is a vocational school in the field of IT, aiming to stand out as a specialized alternative compared to more general professional education programs. With a solid foundation in the IT world, thanks to its affiliation with Chas Visual Management, the academy wholeheartedly focuses on providing opportunities for individuals looking to transform their daily lives and immerse themselves in the world's premier industry.

Balance between
Chas Academy
From the outset, Chas Academy recognized the need for a website and an updated visual identity. The goal was to fully realize the potential of what the academy offers to students and to establish its unique position in the field.
We involved the target audience by gathering insights and conducting interviews to understand their needs for a new website. Combining this with historical data, we defined a user journey that guides students from initial awareness to becoming brand ambassadors.
The user journey laid the foundation for design guidelines and the overall structure of the website. Furthermore, it set the groundwork for ongoing work on the marketing plan and service design, shaping the approach that Chas Academy should take in the market moving in to the future.
In essence, Chas Academy's journey has culminated in exponential growth, where the efforts of and dedication to building better education and strong relationships with students has proven itslef right. Along with offering exciting exploration of the vast possibilities within the IT industry.
This initial phase of crafting a distinctive identity and user-focused website paves the way for a promising trajectory. As the academy continues to evolve, the foundation laid in design, marketing, and service innovation propels it towards a future where it not only stands out but has the potential to thrive as a beacon in the realm of IT education.
And as we like to say, this marks the beginning of a beautiful friendship as well as a exciting journey in to the future for Sould to be a part of. Thank you Chas Academy for that!

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Viktor Rydbergsg. 14 
411 32 Gothenburg